Remote delivery - via Zoom
October 2nd and 16th 2023 - FULLY BOOKED
£420 includes posted printed resources
- bring your own coffee!

This 2 day menopause course is aimed at nurses who regularly see and advise women about menopause issues. Ideal for practice nurses, Nurse Practitioners, clinical pharmacists sexual health nurses, gynae nurses and those working in breast or oncology, it will equip you to confidently advise and treat women.
Living with an Induced Menopause
Awaiting new dates
845 Registration
09.30 Welcome & Introduction
09.40 Impact of Early Menopause after Cancer
10.20 Beyond BRCA: Preparing Women for Menopause
11.00 Coffee
1130 Managing menopausal symptoms after breast cancer
12.15 HRT after Gynaecological Cancer
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Let's Talk about Sex & Early Menopause
1445 Vaginals - oestrogens, lubes, lasers and other options
1530 The Way Ahead
1600 Close of day
