Learning Objectives - Bite size -e-learning
Module 1 - Introduction to menopause
Understand the physiological changes associated with the menopause
Identify the short, medium, and long term effects on individuals of the menopause transition
Describe the treatment options for menopause symptoms
Apply their learnings of menopause treatment to the case study
Module 2 - Basic of HRT
Describe the types, routes and regimens of HRT commonly used in the UK
Understand the general benefits and risks of HRT
Remember where to look for further resources and evidence on HRT
Apply your learnings of HRT to the case study
Module 3- What is an HRT check?
Understand the importance of HRT checks
Evaluate what to ask during an HRT check and why it is important
Describe the side effects and expected bleeding pattern while on HRT (managing change)
Apply their learning of an HRT check to the case study
Module 4 - Managing symptoms after breast cancer
Understand the impact of induced menopause
Describe the prescribed non-hormonal options for menopausal symptoms
Identify over-the-counter and therapeutic options for symptoms in the presence of current or past breast cancer
Apply their learning of managing menopause symptoms after breast cancer to the case study